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1/72 Nanchang A-5C Fantan (2021)

Pakistan Air Force Nanchang A-5C Fantan.


Model Highlights:

1. Length: 22.8cm; Wing Span: 13.6cm
2. Trumpeter 1/72 Nanchang Q-5C kit
3. Master static dischargers
4. Master wing-tip pitot, nose pitot & angle of attack sensors, and gun barrels
5. Yahu Models photo-etched seat belts
6. Scratch-built landing gear detail, wheel-bay hydraulic lines, and electrical wiring
7. Scratch-built cockpit interior detail including HUD as well as antennae on the belly of the aircraft

8. Scratch-built FOD covers & photo-etched fuel ports on drop tanks
9. Stencils from PrintScale decals, roundels and flags from a custom-designed decal sheet, serial number and squadron markings from kit decals
10. Peewit as well as self-designed masks
11. Painted with Mr. Hobby, Tamiya, and Alclad colors
12. Weathered with W&N oils, Tamiya and AMMO Mig panel line washes, pre-shading and post-shading
13. Finished in PAF-32 Wing, 7th Squadron (Bandits), Masroor Air Base

14. Awarded "Best in Show - Scale Models - Ace Pilot" at Otaku ME Modelers Cup 2021 Online Edition:

15. Awarded "Asian Air Arms Special Interest Group Award" at Scale Model World (IPMS UK Nationals - Telford) 2023


Pakistan Air Force operated 60 of these fighters from 1983 to 2011. 

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